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How Mattress Covers Provide Allergy Relief
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If you have allergies, you know how miserable it can be. The sneezing, the sore throat, the red eyes – all of it’s a recipe for a miserable time when allergy season comes around every year. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to reduce the symptoms of allergies. They may not make the problem go away entirely, but they can help make allergy season a little bit more bearable. While many people know about antihistamines and other pharmaceutical allergy relief measures, many people overlook one of the easiest allergy prevention measures – using a protective mattress cover.
It may not seem like much, but mattress covers have the power to contain many of the allergen particles that cause the sneezing and dryness that make allergies such a chore. How do they do it? Let’s take a look.
Allergy Relief
Beds are wonderful things – they give us a place to relax and get a good night of comfortable sleep make it so we can get a night of comfortable sleep. Unfortunately, your mattress is also home to lots of particles that could be making your allergies flare up. Dust, skin flakes, and even dust mites – tiny little insects that thrive inside mattresses and feed on dead skin, are all contained within the average bed. If you wake up in the morning with watery eyes and a dry mouth, these things are likely the culprits.
Dust Mites
Most people would rather not think about their mattresses being infested by a multitude of tiny insects eating their dead skin flakes, but dust mites are a very real problem, one you’re likely to find anywhere there are people or animals. They can live in carpets, mattresses, furniture, curtains, and bedding, and cause physical reactions that include coughing, sore throat, runny nose, and skin rashes. If you live in an area with high humidity, the likelihood of there being dust mites in your home is very high. Anywhere in the world that there are animals or humans, dust mites will be found. However, if you live in an area with high humidity, concentrations of dust mites may be higher.
Mattress Covers
One of the easiest ways to reduce allergies and contain dust mites is to use a non-allergenic mattress cover. Mattress covers serve a dual purpose of keeping skin flakes, dust mites, and other particles from being absorbed into a mattress, as well as keeping the allergens that are already inside a mattress from getting out. If you’re one of the 50 million people who is affected by airborne allergens, using a mattress cover will almost certainly help you manage your symptoms.
Other mattress tips for preventing allergies:
- Clean your mattress cover and bedding regularly. Decontaminating a mattress cover can be as simple as throwing it in the dryer on high heat for 10 to 15 minutes. Do this at least once a week, with regular washings as necessary.
- Vacuum your mattress. This will pick up a lot of the particles that are sitting on the surface, keeping them from being kicked up into the air.
- Replace your old mattress. Old mattresses have more allergens, which make allergy symptoms worse.
Want to learn more? RV Mattress Protectors makes high quality non-allergen mattress covers. Get more info by calling 770-205-5335 today.